Community Development

Community Development on the Lyng

Lyng Community Association is very proud of its Community Development Team. We are working to create a real community where everyone contributes towards making the Lyng a great place to live and work.

Easter Egg litter pick_n 

We run regular activities designed to bring people together and create new skills and experiences.

We work with a variety of statutory and voluntary agencies and look to ensure that we don’t duplicate existing services but add new and sustainable services and activities that benefit the people who live in our area. If you have ideas or want to help us – please give us a call on 0121 525 5969.

WHATS ON   2022-23 – PLEASE NOTE COVID 19 Regulations may restrict activities – check our Facebook page for the latest news on what we can run.

Mondays 5 – 11 Club  4.30pm  – 6pm Church of the Good Shepherd with St John

Tuesdays Toddler Group 9.15 – 11am Church of the Good Shepherd with St John

Tuesday Youth Club – from 4pm – 7pm  (places are limited) please check for times and location as we have included a number of activities such as bouldering and visits to exciting activities.

Wednesdays – Welfare Benefits Information 10am -1pm  at Lyng Community Association Office – PLEASE PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT

Thursdays Toddler Group – 9.15am – 11am – Church of the Good Shepherd with St John

Community Development Mission Statement

Lyng Community Association manages homes across the Lyng community and we believe that a good quality, affordable home is everyone’s right and the foundation upon which everything else is built.

As part of our Community Development mission we seek to build confidence and resilience within the community and within individual people.

We are aware that some of our residents have had a challenging start to life with adverse childhood experiences that can put them at a greater risk of developing health-harming behaviours that will shorten their lives, increase likelihood of encountering the criminal justice system, lead to poorer educational attainment and in some cases make them more likely than the rest of the population to become a perpetrator of violence.

The Association looks to work with people both individuals and families to enable them to discover their own self-worth so that experiences and disadvantages from their past does not dictate their future.

The Association is acutely aware that people who live in social housing can often be viewed by the media and certain sections of society as being somehow different from others. The Association will look to ensure that residents are equipped to imagine and achieve the same aspirations as everyone else in society and to challenge stereotypes that hinder personal development.

To achieve this aim we aim to help our residents with

Assistance in trying to get a job or access training via our weekly Job Club sessions.

Offering opportunities for children to complete their homework in quiet surrounding and teaching them the value of improving their education and fulfilling their potential through Youth Club activities and trips.

Providing inspirational activities that give everyone a chance to see what is possible and imagine what they could achieve. Giving people to skills to see how they can develop and achieve their personal goals.

Helping people to maintain healthy eating and good health as well as experiencing and understanding the value of exercise via our weekly Youth Club sessions (sponsored by Children in Need)  and our  5 to 11 Club sessions.

Looking to help people access sport and exercise through partnerships with the Leisure Centre and local sports coaching.

Helping parents and tots to meet other parents and access to resources to help them as parents and provide early learning experiences for the little ones through our twice weekly Toddler Clubs.

Opening up opportunities for all groups through training, volunteering, confidence building and support.

Our aim through our community development work can be summed up as providing the resources and opportunities to allow individuals to develop their dreams and aspirations and enjoy healthy and fulfilling lives within a supportive and welcoming community.


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